Hochschule Bremen City University of Applied Sciences

Course Details

Computer Science B.Sc

Course Description

The "Women's International Degree Course in Computer Scienceā€ (B.Sc.) provides a constitutive qualification for a profession in computer science and focuses on software development. The degree course is primarily mono educative, meaning that basic lectures are for women only and lectures are generally held in small groups. Beginning with the third semester, there will be possibilities to also attend in coeducational lectures. Except of interest in the topic and a high level of motivation and commitment are no further requirements given for attending this degree course. Seminars to give beginners a start with the subject will be hold at the beginning and during the first semesters. The degree course offers a fascinating and challenging syllabus which carries out the following principles:

Course Duration


Career outcomes

The development of large software systems requires competent knowledge of different branches of computer science. The development happens increasingly in international operating companies. Besides technical know-how, communication skills, team spirit and a correct response to different cultural characteristics are very important factors of success. Our students will be prepared optimally for the mentioned requirements over the course of the degree course. Simultaneously they learn how to work in efficiently and independently in new technical developments. After a successful graduation our students are not only technically competent, but also have social and intercultural competence. They are in demand everywhere where software will be planned, developed, adjusted and used, meaning smaller companies from our region, public service or international operating companies. Further the Graduation qualifies for attending a master program at our university.

Computer Science B.Sc Hochschule Bremen City University of Applied Sciences