Hochschule Bremen City University of Applied Sciences

Course Details

Aerospace Technology B.Eng

Course Description

In the first phase of studies (1st year of study), the scientific and technical foundations of mechanical engineering will be taught and the course-related certificate of performance will be provided. The second phase of studies (2nd and 3rd year of study) includes in-depth modules on aerospace technology as well as other basic engineering modules. This phase of studies is a heavily project-based course of studies that deepens the knowledge base in technical applications. The internship also occurs during this time, which is carried out in industry and is supervised by university professors.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

The objective of the course in Aerospace Engineering at the Bremen University of Applied Sciences, is to uncover a wide and applicable spectrum of skills to students, relevant to the world of modern mechanical engineering. The degree course in aerospace engineering offers a forward-looking and multi-faceted education in mechanical engineering. The design, development and construction of aircraft and spacecraft will be covered in the course. The economic aspects involved are also dealt with in the study content. Examples of what are studied in aircraft construction are aeroplanes, helicopters and UAVs; from the spacecraft side, there are rockets, satellites and space stations. Because of the wide range of skills developed on the course in these areas, graduates enjoy a wide range of career opportunities in both air- and spacecraft construction.

Aerospace Technology B.Eng Hochschule Bremen City University of Applied Sciences