St. Patricks International College

Course Details

MBA Strategic Management and Leadership

Course Description

This course will familiarise students with the fundamental issues of strategic management and the importance of continuously upgrading organisational capability to maintain a competitive edge. The programme investigates internal and external factors in the management environment, as well as organisational values and missions. Students will also learn how to develop short term plans that are compatible with long term business objectives. Students will then be able to understand and appreciate the importance of having a strategy in place ,rather than not having one, and to see how managing the components (of the strategy) effectively helps the continuity and growth of organisations.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

With the knowledge acquired, students will be able to delve into the arena of leadership behaviour and skills and judge for themselves the specific leadership issues that remain unanswered or unattended to in cases of organisational collapse. This will equip them to undertake management roles at a senior level.

MBA Strategic Management and Leadership St. Patricks International College