
Course Details

Master in Fashion Brand Management

Course Description

Fashion Brand Management is the most complete program for those hoping to gain expertise in shaping, preserving, renewing and communicating the uniqueness of a brand. It is the best solution for those who already have a background in design and want to acquire further management skills, and those who have come from a business background and want to learn how to operate outside of the box. The two paths both lead to the figure of creative manager and manager of creativity for the luxury fashion world. This course is visionary and concrete, creative and managerial, leading and relational, innovative but well rooted in the know-how coming from the industry, competitive and beyond competition, involved in all the processes from production to communication. Therefore, its program is intensive, wide-reaching and intensive. It is composed of three interconnected units: Vision, research and trend- based. It’s about brand identity, buyology, innovation vs. heritage, the way the human, society and industry interact to achieve a balance. Management, business-based. It’s about strategy and concreteness, marketing and merchandising, retail and administration, law and logistics. Communication, senses-based. It’s about conveying messages in conventional or alternative ways, using original materials (graphic, video, written) both for the real and the digital environments. This course includes field trips (Milan Fashion Week, Pitti Trade Fair, the production site of a top level company, and Ferragamo shop/museum), guest lectures by managers and visionairies, and two portfolio projects, a start-up task at mid-term, and a rebranding task as the final task.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Brand Manager graduates, formed by a method based on the creation of original materials, can work in a wide range of areas in fashion companies, trend or communications agencies and other industries driven by the expression of identity such as technology, art, publishing, cinema and music.

Master in Fashion Brand Management Polimoda