
Course Details

Masters in Shoe Design

Course Description

Starting from the knowledge of human anatomy and interpreting market needs through the lens of creativity and craft, the Master in Shoe Design aims at developing a professional capable of designing and developing footwear with a strong and innovative creative direction. Throughout the course, students will be covering a number of subjects, from interpreting materials to researching innovative production techniques, new forms of merchandising management and the strategies behind collection planning. Lectures will be held by esteemed business professionals and the course will feature the direct intervention of executives and representatives from the industry. Students will have access to international guest lectures and field trips to the headquarters and production plants of relevant companies in the Florentine area.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

Career Opportunities Depending on previous experience and academic achievements, employment can be found within the areas of Shoe Design, Product Development, Shoe Merchandising Management.

Masters in Shoe Design Polimoda