The Bachelor of Applied Information Technology (BAppIT) programme is a unique, practical programme for students seeking a career in Information Technology (IT). This technical and applied Information Technology degree provides a sound understanding of the dynamic and changing environment in which IT takes place. Students will learn and gain the knowledge and skills to deliver quality IT with modules that cover: Software engineering Database architecture Network engineering Multimedia/web development Cloud computing Analytics and big data Mobile development Security Social media Employers also want graduates with skills in business (specifically marketing, accounting, management), communications, project management, systems analysis and design, support and higher level mathematics and so these topics are also built into the degree.
Number | Duration |
3 | year |
The Bachelor of Applied Information Technology prepares graduates for employment in the Information Technology environment. Employment opportunities include Network Engineers, Software Engineers, Multimedia and Web Developers, Database Architects, Business/Systems Analysts, IT Project Managers, IT Managers or Network/Cyber-Security professionals.