University of California Irvine Extension

Course Details

Accelerated Certificate Program - Communications & Embedded Systems Design Engineering

Course Description

The demand for intelligent products that operate and exchange information efficiently has created a worldwide need for technical professionals involved in developing communication and embedded systems. To succeed in the global marketplace, corporations and professionals must be able to integrate software, small scale hardware, and network and communication technologies into their products ranging from consumer electronics to commercial aircraft. Develop the practical skills required to help conceptualize, design, integrate and implement these exciting new technologies into tomorrow’s products.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

* Design and develop new communication systems and embedded devices that meet the expanding needs of the global marketplace * Learn practical embedded systems and systems on a chip (SOC) design skills utilizing a hands-on approach with industry standard software, hardware, design automation (EDA) tools, and design kits * Develop a “systems engineering” approach to the communication and embedded engineering product development process * Enhance the design and performance of existing products that rely on embedded and communication systems * Develop a network of contacts that can help define and obtain career or educational goals * Gain a competitive edge in the global job market with an internship in a U.S. company

Accelerated Certificate Program - Communications & Embedded Systems Design Engineering University of California Irvine Extension