University of California Irvine Extension

Course Details

Accelerated Certificate Program - Data Science & Predictive Analytics for Business Professionals

Course Description

Highly successful businesses know that they can no longer rely solely on their product or service to grow; they must leverage their data to better understand their customers and learn from the collective experiences of their organizations to remain competitive. UC Irvine’s 3-month post-graduate level Accelerated Certificate Program (ACP) in Data Science & Predictive Analytics for Business Professionals provides individuals the skills needed to effectively collect and manage Big Data and perform data-driven discovery and prediction, extracting value and competitive intelligence for their organizations.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

* Learn from industry experts to utilize a combination of science, art, and business techniques to deliver new insights and competitive intelligence * Develop strategies and skills to effectively collect and manage Big Data and perform data-driven discovery and prediction * Optimize marketing campaigns and website behavior to increase customer responses and conversions * Integrate powerful and traditionally untapped sources of information including social data, unstructured text, and big data sets * Define business goals, prepare data, develop and verify predictive models, and deploy and refine predictive models * Develop actionable plans to increase sales, reduce marketing costs, and improve customer retention * Gain a competitive edge in the global job market through an internship in a U.S. company

Accelerated Certificate Program - Data Science & Predictive Analytics for Business Professionals University of California Irvine Extension