SDA Bocconi School of Management

Course Details

Master in Fashion, Experience & Design Management

Course Description

The Master in Fashion, Experience & Design Management (MAFED) is an intense, 1-year full-time program that is taught entirely in English and attracts students from all over the world. MAFED provides robust management competences to participants who are willing to work in highly creative industries, where unlimited imagination needs to be combined with analytical skills, consistent strategies, and carefully targeted marketing initiatives.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

The MAFED Career Curriculum is a learning path that helps you develop the 5 fundamental skills for your professional growth. The career curriculum has been designed by the SDA Bocconi Career Service in partnership with the Program Director and the School’s Center for Assessment & Development. It includes a variety of mandatory activities, at individual and class level, scheduled throughout the academic year.

Master in Fashion, Experience & Design Management SDA Bocconi School of Management