University of Wollongong

Course Details

Bachelor of Arts (Photography)

Course Description

Photography is a form of art and expression. It is a graphic communication that can be internationally understood. It can be used to show facts, inform, educate, entertain, reform, or share some experience with other people. Photography will take you through visual experiences and critical thinking: your photos can tell a thousand words. Studying photography at UOW will teach you both analogue and digital technologies across a diverse range of studio subjects, whilst developing an understanding of traditions and concepts relevant to photography in historical, theoretical and contemporary visual art contexts. You will develop your own style through creative processes, conceptual skills and applying your knowledge into practice. What you will study: You will undertake a range of studies utilising analogue and digital technologies in diverse studio subjects including digital photography and Photoshop, darkroom processes and printing, studio lighting (portraiture and still life), fieldwork site and context, photo-assemblage and series, and photography in the expanded field of new technologies (including audio and the moving image). As well as your Photography major, you must elect a minor or a second major from the Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

Overview of careers: Copywriter Novelist Feature Writer Screen Writer Editor Creative Director Photographer Graphic Designer Web Designer Fine Artist Sculptor Musician Actor Theatre Performer Theatre Director Dancer Curator Museum Manager Digital Media Manager Digital Game Designer Lighting Designer Stage Manager Film And Television Producer.

Bachelor of Arts (Photography) University of Wollongong