The Animation - 3D program at Centennial College runs for 16 consecutive months, and in that time, prepares you to successfully launch a career in digital animation. Created in 1996, this animation program takes place at the School of Communications, Media, Arts and Design. Its intensive approach has become internationally recognized, on top of kick-starting the careers of hundreds of talented digital artists. This media program focuses on production-style training and offers a unique project-based learning experience that is applauded within the animation, visual effects and game industries. You'll develop skills for careers in animation, film, television, broadcast design and games.
Number | Duration |
2 | year |
Grads will be fully prepared to launch careers in animating and creating visual effects for: Feature films Television shows Interactive games Career Outlook 3D character animator Lighter Modeler Rigger Texture artist Technical director Compositor Level designer for games Visual effects supervisor