Internationale Hochschule Bad Honnef Bonn

Course Details

Master of Engineering Engineering Management

Course Description

You have already completed your first degree in engineering and would now like to deepen your specialist knowledge and management skills? Then our Engineering Project Management programme is the right choice for you. It optimally prepares you to solve technical problems with business management expertise and to assume management responsibility wherever interdisciplinary knowledge in the field of technology and economics is needed. During your studies at the IUBH, you acquire key skills in product development and gain insights into various current topics in engineering management. You will also enjoy excellent career prospects after graduating: You organise engineering teams according to the current organisational and project context. You are responsible for budgeting and cost planning as well as evaluating various types of quality management standards. You are in demand wherever comprehensive and interdisciplinary knowledge in technology and management is needed.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

career-related jobs

Master of Engineering Engineering Management Internationale Hochschule Bad Honnef Bonn