University of Readlands

Course Details


Course Description

Economics at Redlands emphasizes both the cultural and technical aspects of the field. A degree in Economics will provide you with a wealth of tools for understanding human behavior and the sources of wealth and poverty in nations.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

Students graduating with a BA degree in Economics will: 1. Generate constructive analysis of real world issues using the theories of economics, including macroeconomic and microeconomic theories, economic history or history of economic thought, or theories of economic institutions. 2. Efficiently locate, effectively utilize, and critically interpret economic information and data using statistical methods or economic and institutional theories. 3. Produce a constructive assessment of a social problem by drawing upon relevant data and utilizing suitable economic theories. 4. Identify complex problems and arguments and analyze those using the theoretical tools and quantitative methods of economics. 5. Effectively communicate economic ideas, problems, and findings to both lay and professional audiences. 6) 6. Complete an independent research project demonstrating appropriate mastery of qualitative and statistical research methods in economics.

Economics University of Readlands