Georg August University Gottingen

Course Details

Arabic Studies/Islamic Studies (M.A.)

Course Description

The Master's programme “Arabic Studies/ Islamic Studies” aims to give students scientific as well as non-scientific qualifications. The knowledge acquired in the Bachelor's programme on the history and culture of Islam, the Islamic religion, the Arabic literature as well as Islamic law are deepened. Students will gain understanding of the larger correlations of the development of Islam as a religion and a way of life. Acquiring a further language from the Islamic cultural region or a second semitic language should enable students to understand non-Arabic sources about the spirit and cultural history of Islam. The language exercise courses deepen the passive and active command of the Arabic language. Students of the Master's programme “Arabic Studies/ Islamic Studies” will receive the skills necessary for independent scientific work as well as for recognizing and solving scientific problems. The lectures and seminars are designed as subject-specific courses with an interdisciplinary demand. The Master's programme conveys in-depth scientific knowledge and the ability to independently conduct subject-specific and interdisciplinary scientific work. Of primary importance are original texts that are fundamental for understanding the histories of religion, humanities and culture. Students will be introduced to the current questions regarding methods and the international status of research in Arabic and Islamic Studies. Subject-specific knowledge and methodical-analytical capabilities qualify students with skills for the occupational fields stated below and create the scientific foundation for further studies in doctoral programmes.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

Get a deeper insight into the Arabic-Islamic world: The history and culture of Islam, Arabic literature, the religion of Islam and Islamic law are central to this degree programme. Students will learn the Arabic language to an advanced level. A further language from the Islamic cultural region or a second Semitic language will enable students to understand non-Arabic sources about the intellectual and cultural history of Islam.

Arabic Studies/Islamic Studies (M.A.) Georg August University Gottingen