University of York

Course Details

Beng Electronic Engineering (with a Foundation Year)

Course Description

The first year of this course prepares students who are either returning to study after a number of years or who have inappropriate qualifications to undertake the rest of the BEng in Electronic Engineering by studying the relevant parts of Maths and Physics A levels as well as practical Electronics and study skills. Students who pass the foundation year can transfer onto the first year of our other Eng programmes.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

Many of our students find jobs in related industries and in all sizes of companies from multi-nationals to small businesses. However, they graduate with strong mathematical, computing/programming, team working and technical management skills that are an integral part of our programmes. This means that they also have access to a very wide range of potential career paths outside of the more obvious ones, for example financial service industries which require creative people with strong mathematical and programming skills.

Beng Electronic Engineering (with a Foundation Year) University of York