Murdoch University

Course Details

Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy)

Course Description

Philosophy is the oldest discipline and the source from which the natural and human sciences have grown. It is the nature of philosophy to address itself to everything that is puzzling, disturbing, exciting and new. Why am I here? Do pets think? How far should we tolerate tolerance? Are all cultures good? Do emotions have value in themselves? Are we biological robots? The study of philosophy does not always offer answers, but instead teaches us how to ask good questions. Without a good question one does not know what counts as a good answer, or where to look for a good answer. The study of Philosophy will develop your critical and rational faculties, instill a positive sense of impartiality and fairness in considering the views of others, and foster a cautious, reflective attitude towards others whose comprehension may exceed your current opinions and beliefs. As a Philosophy student you are invited to raise questions and debate them in a supportive environment and an atmosphere of lively curiosity.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

Journalist/Foreign Correspondent Policy Advisors Counsellor.

Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy) Murdoch University