Middlesex University

Course Details

MSc Biomedical Science (Clinical Biochemistry)

Course Description

Clinical biochemistry is the study of the chemistry of the human body and how it is affected by disease. It's a fascinating subject which combines expert theoretical knowledge with practical skills to help with the diagnosis and treatment of everything from endocrine disorders to antenatal complications. Whether you're working in a hospital laboratory or researching new treatments, you'll be doing vital, rewarding work which will improve and very often save lives. Our Biomedical Science courses have a burgeoning international reputation, due to our world-class research in areas including biomarkers, public health and biomodelling. Our Centre for Investigative and Diagnostic Oncology has pioneered techniques for cancer diagnosis and treatment. Our course has a strong practical element, with an emphasis on developing laboratory skills and gaining hands-on experience of diagnostic techniques. Our teaching and research facilities surpass those at some UK medical schools, with £3 million specialist labs equipped with the most up-to-date technology- the perfect place to work on your own research project. You'll learn to use cutting-edge equipment such as MALDI-TOF mass spectrometers and flow cytometers; we have a molecular biology laboratory for techniques such as DNA sequencing, real-time PCR, electrophoresis and HPLC, fully-equipped proteomics facilities, confocal microscopy and an incredibly modern cell culture facility. Our MSc Clinical Biochemistry course is a broad one, incorporating elements of microbiology and haematology too. You’ll leave with a sound understanding of common diseases and disorders and how they work, established and emerging bioanalytical technologies and techniques and how they are used to make diagnoses, and research methods.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

70 per cent of patient diagnoses in the UK are based on laboratory results – everyone, at some point in their lives, will benefit from the services of biomedical scientists. Their work has led to new treatments for a wide range of degenerative and genetic disorders, and developments such as cloning and genetic screening. Biomedical science is the second largest profession registered by the Health Professions Council and is a fast-moving field in which there is a high demand for well-qualified graduates. Our course will equip you with all the skills you need to work in a diagnostic laboratory in an NHS or private hospital or in research (an MSc is increasingly becoming a requirement for the latter). Biomedical scientists also work in primary care, in doctor’s surgeries and clinics, or there are opportunities with Public Health England, the Medical Research Council and the Health and Safety Executive. Other sectors you could work in include the pharmaceutical industry, academia, education, biotechnology, and even areas like patent law, forensic science and science journalism. There are opportunities to work in management, running a lab, or as a consultant, and international roles in hospitals, schools and universities. A lot of our students go on to do a PhD. If you’re already working in clinical biochemistry, our MSc will help you progress to a more senior position.

MSc Biomedical Science (Clinical Biochemistry) Middlesex University