Cardiff Metropolitan University

Course Details

Foundation leading to BA/BSc Social Sciences

Course Description

Course Length: The foundation year will take one year (full-time) to complete, with an additional three or four (sandwich) years of full-time study required to complete the chosen degree programme. This course is intended to cater for those who aspire to enrol on a social science-based Higher National Diploma or Honours degree programme within the Cardiff School of Health Sciences or the School of Education at Cardiff Metropolitan University. It is designed for those who have not achieved the required number of A-level points or for those who have studied A-level subjects (or their equivalent) in areas that do not provide the necessary background within the scientific disciplines required for the chosen programme.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

The purpose of completing a Foundation Year is to enable students to progress onto HND/Degree programmes. This is the first stage of a journey towards employability and, ultimately, a career following third level education. Personal Development Planning (PDP) is started in the Foundation year as a framework of preparation for this goal. Personal Development Planning is a structured process that enables students to reflect on learning, performance and achievement, and to plan for future professional and academic development. It is primarily supported within the Key Skills module.

Foundation leading to BA/BSc Social Sciences Cardiff Metropolitan University