4-year full-time; 5-year thick-sandwich The UK automotive industry has recently invested heavily in CAD and new test facilities. This, coupled with the shift towards automated manufacture, is leading to the adoption of new materials technology. This course will introduce you to these developments and to the field of automotive design as a whole. The final year of the MEng is about broadening and deepening your knowledge and understanding of the discipline, to better meet the leadership needs of industry.
Number | Duration |
4 | year |
You can choose to study either a full-time course or the prestigious sandwich course. Sandwich students undertake high-quality, paid work placements within prominent companies and organisations. The placement in industry is taken between Levels 2 and 3 for at least 44 weeks. This time can count towards becoming an Incorporated or Chartered Engineer. Brunel’s award-winning Professional Development Centre will support you to get the best placement to suit your aspirations. They can help you with advice to compose the best possible applications, and coach you with mock interviews – often with the support of industry visitors. The organisations that employ the students on placement are checked to ensure they can provide suitable training experiences. Quite often, Brunel graduates within firms mentor current students. The placement is assessed, and students must pass it to graduate with the words ‘with Professional Development’ in their degree title. Each student is allocated both a mentor within the company and an Industrial Tutor from Brunel, who is on hand to help ensure that the placement yields the best possible experience for the student’s personal professional development. The ethos of the College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences stems from the initial formation of the University as a technological institution in the mid-1960s. The preferred option is for students to gain industry experience through taking up a placement year. Often students return to the employer where they carried out their placement upon graduation. These statistics relate to graduates from a number of different pathways – Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering (MEng), Mechanical Engineering with Aeronautics, Mechanical Engineering with Automotive Design, Motorsport Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Aviation Engineering and Aviation Engineering with Pilot Studies.