Brunel University

Course Details

Electronic and Communications Engineering BEng

Course Description

Electronics equipment and products are becoming a vital part of our daily lives, from simple MP3 players, mobile phones and computers to highly sophisticated diagnostic equipment used in hospitals and state-of the-art fibre optic communications systems. This is a traditional and broad-based course, developed in response to the needs of industry, which aims to produce well-rounded engineers with a high level of analytical and engineering design skills. From calculators to supercomputers, from telephones to global satellite communications, from dynamos to the national grid, you will gain key knowledge and understanding. As well as an invaluable overview of this field, you will also have the opportunity to specialise in communications systems in your final year. Our undergraduate electronics degrees have a common first year during which you will study all of the main specialisms. Based on your own personal learning experiences of these subjects, you will be able to re-evaluate your original degree choice at this level and switch to a related course if you want.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

Whichever electronic engineering course you follow, you will have a wide choice of careers in mainstream electrical/electronic/microelectronic industries and in other engineering and ‘high-tech’ fields. The majority of our graduates move into research, development or manufacturing companies – a choice many make when accepting sponsorship from a company – but opportunities do exist in most other professional spheres such as computing, medicine, finance, management and the media. Electronic and Computer Engineering graduates have a range of employment options open to them. The course is accredited by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) which provides a platform to build on for those who wish to achieve Chartered Engineering status.

Electronic and Communications Engineering BEng Brunel University