Howard University

Course Details

Bachelor of Architecture

Course Description

Howard University offers a professional, five-year Bachelor of Architecture program. The 171-credit hour program has evolved to respond to the challenges that our communities face. Emphasis is placed on student competence in design inquiry/research, architectural history, human behavior and environment, technical systems, digital tools, and professional practice. These core areas are complemented by elective courses in which students can explore their interests beyond the design of the built environment. Design-thinking processes are introduced to students from the first year and continually reinforced throughout the program. Theory is a vital component of architectural exploration as it presents varied sets of related ideas that predict, describe, and direct the relationships between factors that influence and support the appropriate design decision making process—outcomes. Faculty are constantly re-examining the meaning of design as it relates to architectural education at Howard. Does design equate to beauty or comprehensive problem-solving and evidence-based solutions? How does design impact the African Diaspora in terms of cultural characteristics and vernacular building practices and styles? Similarly, we evaluate the role of digital tools in the design process. How early should digital tools be introduced in the curriculum, for instance, and what is the role of traditional methods (hand drawing)? Design encompasses a myriad of issues in response to the challenges faced by our society, hence, we reaffirm our niche as educating activist urban community designers and developers who can respond appropriately. We also view our approach to design as inseparable from construction, fabrication, finance, aesthetics, and culture.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

career-related jobs

Bachelor of Architecture Howard University