University of Westminster

Course Details

MA(International Media Business)

Course Description

This course is designed for recent graduates seeking a career in traditional and new media organisations. It provides a combination of business and media skills designed to quip you to take up an entry-level position I today's media organisation. You will learn how media organisation are engaging with the challenges resulting from the emergence of digital media technologies and platforms. The course introduces you to the processes by which media organisations develop their corporate strategies, business plans, marketing and production operation as they respond to radical change on the commercial. The course is designed to enable you to find and take up work placements and internships at media organisations in London during the course of their studies. Our graduates have successfully completed internships at TV production, web, multimedia, advertising, and news organisations in London. Whether you are planning a career in a large media organisation or seeking to create your own initiatives and businesses, the International Media Business MA aims to provide the analytical insight, operational knowledge and planning skills you will need to prosper. The course is taught jointly Westminster's highly successful Media Management MA.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

At Westminster, we have always believed that your University experience should be designed to enhance your professional life.We place as much emphasis on gaining skills relevant to the workplace as on learning the academic discipline that you are studying. Obtaining a placement, part-time or vacation job while you study will provide you with extra cash and help you demonstrate that you have the skills employers are looking for. In London, there is a plentiful supply of part-time work - most students at the University of Westminster work part-time (or full-time during vacations) to help support their studies.

MA(International Media Business) University of Westminster