University of Westminster

Course Details

MSc(Software Engineering)

Course Description

Software engineering is the area of computing that is concerned with applying engineering-style methods to the production of computer software. It is a dynamic and expanding field that continues to play a central role in the UK’s future economic growth. The continuing shortage of qualified software engineers means that graduates have been very successful in gaining software-related jobs by integrating their existing and newly acquired skills. The course is aimed at software developers and programmers. The course’s main theme is software development using the object-oriented paradigm. If you do not have a formal computing background, this course will give you greater skills and understanding of the development of software applications, from initial requirements through to implementation, with an emphasis on programming. Alternatively, if you do have a significant background in software engineering, the course will enable you to build on your existing knowledge. You will benefit from a broad and varied array of state-of-the-art technologies, including: Sunray servers connected to a 1GB fibre optic network with links to both the Super-Janet 4 network and the London Metropolitan Network, connecting the Greater London education and research community a Uni-Backbone network that supports IP Multicasts to deliver a constant stream of interactive, multimedia-rich content over 20 laboratories providing access to Unix, Novell and NT servers, all supported by high-bandwidth networks specialist technicians to ensure you can get the most out of these technologies.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

At Westminster, we have always believed that your University experience should be designed to enhance your professional life.We place as much emphasis on gaining skills relevant to the workplace as on learning the academic discipline that you are studying. Obtaining a placement, part-time or vacation job while you study will provide you with extra cash and help you demonstrate that you have the skills employers are looking for. In London, there is a plentiful supply of part-time work - most students at the University of Westminster work part-time (or full-time during vacations) to help support their studies.

MSc(Software Engineering) University of Westminster