University of Westminster

Course Details

Software Engineering BEng Honours

Course Description

This course studies the best ways to design, build, maintain and evaluate software systems. It uses many of the technical aspects of computer science, especially programming, and aims to develop the professional attitudes, interpersonal and technical skills you will need in the software engineering industry. The course provides a solid foundation in software engineering theory and practice to develop professional software systems. It will equip you to take up a wide range of career opportunities, including software engineer, web application programmer, software designer/analyst or website designer/programmer. You will study software development, programming languages, technologies and applications including Java, C/C#, UNIX, UML, graphics, networks, concurrent systems, databases, artificial intelligence, and web and mobile computing. You will share a common first year with the Computer Science BSc Honours course; you can transfer in Year 1, and specialise in Year 3. The BEng emphasises fundamental principles, design, acquisition of practical skills and evaluation of technologies. You may go on to complete an integrated Masters programme with the award of an MEng degree after four years.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

At Westminster, we have always believed that your University experience should be designed to enhance your professional life.We place as much emphasis on gaining skills relevant to the workplace as on learning the academic discipline that you are studying. Obtaining a placement, part-time or vacation job while you study will provide you with extra cash and help you demonstrate that you have the skills employers are looking for. In London, there is a plentiful supply of part-time work - most students at the University of Westminster work part-time (or full-time during vacations) to help support their studies.

Software Engineering BEng Honours University of Westminster