University of Westminster

Course Details

Herbal Medicine BSc Honours

Course Description

Herbal medicine has developed from the traditional use of plants and plant extracts from many parts of the world, confirmed and updated by scientific understanding and research. However, it maintains a holistic approach to treatment, focusing on illness in the person rather than symptoms of disease. This course provides a practice-oriented education in herbal medicine, which includes both the theoretical and clinical development necessary for working with patients, and the preparation and dispensing of remedies. The course also includes fieldwork, growing and gathering herbs within approved organic sites, and visiting herb collections and conservation habitats. Your development as a scholar practitioner comes together in our innovative Polyclinic where, under the guidance of experienced tutors, your learning from the various aspects of the course is integrated.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

At Westminster, we have always believed that your University experience should be designed to enhance your professional life.We place as much emphasis on gaining skills relevant to the workplace as on learning the academic discipline that you are studying. Obtaining a placement, part-time or vacation job while you study will provide you with extra cash and help you demonstrate that you have the skills employers are looking for. In London, there is a plentiful supply of part-time work - most students at the University of Westminster work part-time (or full-time during vacations) to help support their studies.

Herbal Medicine BSc Honours University of Westminster