University of Dundee

Course Details

MSc Biomedical Engineering

Course Description

The programme is a full-time taught postgraduate degree course leading to the degree of MSc in Biomedical Engineering. It has an international dimension, providing an important opportunity for postgraduate engineers to study the principles and state-of-the-art technologies in biomedical engineering with a particular emphasis on applications in advanced instrumentation for medicine and surgery. Biomedical engineers apply engineering principles and design methods to improve our understanding of living systems and to create new techniques and instruments in medicine and surgery. The taught modules in this course expose students to the leading edge of modern medical and surgical technologies. The course also provides concepts and understanding of the role of entrepreneurship, business development and intellectual property exploitation in the biomedical industry, with case examples. The research project allows students to work in a research area of their own particular interest, learning skills in presentation, critical thinking and problem-solving. Project topics are offered to students during the first semester of the course. Links with Universities in China This course can be taken in association with partner universities in China with part of the course taken at the home institution before coming to Dundee to complete your studies. For students from elsewhere it is possible to take the entire course at Dundee.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

An MSc degree in Biomedical Engineering will prepare you for a challenging and rewarding career in one of many sectors: the rapidly growing medical technology industry, academic institutions, hospitals and government departments. A wide range of employment possibilities exist including engineer, professor, research scientist, teacher, manager, salesperson or CEO. The programme also provides the ideal academic grounding to undertake a PhD degree leading to a career in academic research.

MSc Biomedical Engineering University of Dundee