You may be considering coming to university to top-up your studies to degree level after completing a non-degree course, for example an HND, foundation degree or a professional body examination. You may be looking to move your place of study having not completed a degree at a different institution. In either case, you will have accumulated educational credits that can count towards a degree. Traditional awards require you to pass a very specific profile of modules (subjects) in order for you to be awarded that specific degree. In some cases, your previous study will not link exactly into the higher levels of one of our named degrees. At this point, traditional awards need you to complete a ‘bridge’ made up of various subjects that are essential for entry into the later years of the course. This extends the amount of time you need to study and increases the number of subjects you need to pass. This degree allows you to take full advantage of your previously accumulated credits and then agree, by negotiation, a personal course of IT studies that will lead to the award of BSc(Hons) Information Technology Studies.
Number | Duration |
2 | semester |
Depending on your choice of modules, the course will equip you for a career in many spheres of business or industry that has a need for the efficient and appropriate use of IT. Recent graduates have gone on to work in IT departments in large organisations, become website developers, network administrators – even set up their own businesses.