Loughborough University

Course Details

BSc(Hons) Computer Science and Mathematics

Course Description

The Computer Science and Mathematics course contains the full core of a Mathematics BSc course and allows students to follow career paths open to single honours maths students, as well as giving students the additional option of pursuing careers in programming and software engineering. Many real-world problems are solved by a close-knit combination of mathematical and computational techniques. This degree course aims to equip students with a powerful skills-set to deal with such tasks, which also provides an excellent grounding for any career in either computing or mathematics. The course is divided equally into topics from computer science and mathematics so that graduates have a wide range of experience in both areas. This will appeal to students who would like to study applications of logic and mathematics to computer science, and also the application of computational techniques to mathematics. The core mathematics subjects required for business, industry and academia are studied in the first two years, with a particular emphasis on computational methods. The core computer science subjects studied in the first two years have a particular emphasis on mathematical aspects of computer science. The final year involves a project that draws on knowledge of computer science and mathematics as well as offering a range of options to allow specialisation in different aspects of both subjects.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

Graduate destinations include: Financial Services Authority, Weatherford, True Knowledge, IBM, eChemist.co.uk, Cuttlefish Multimedia Ltd, BAE Detica, Westminster Drugs Project, Kelkoo.co.uk

BSc(Hons) Computer Science and Mathematics Loughborough University