ALT and LINT follow the same structure for the first three years. The degrees focus on practical language skills, communication studies, European Studies and linguistics/translation studies. In both degrees two foreign or signed languages are studied to degree level.
Level 3 is a compulsory placement year which is spent abroad at two partner institutions, or for British Sign Language (BSL) students, in work placement in the UK signing community for one of the two semesters.
Students with only one language at post-Higher/A-Level follow an accelerated intensive language course during Level 1 and join the mainstream language courses from Level 2.
ALT will equip students for a wide range of careers including translation, interpreting, industry, international business, the media, senior administrative positions in international organisations, educational and academic careers, and public service including the Foreign Office.
For the third year, which is spent abroad, we currently operate student exchange schemes with a number of universities including Paris, Tours, Mulhouse, Angers, Brussels, Mons, Geneva, Heidelberg, Vienna, Innsbruck, Zurich, Madrid, Oviedo, Barcelona, Mexico, Valencia, Alicante and Granada.