University of New Haven

Course Details

BA in English

Course Description

English English majors are in love with words — how they sound to the ear, how they look on a page and how, artfully chosen and arranged, they express a thought. English majors also know something that many people don’t stop to consider: A command of words and a broad, descriptive vocabulary sharpen the mind and develop critical thinking skills. In our program, you’ll explore the magnificent and colorful English language — how legendary writers down through the centuries have wielded its words and how you will do the same. Master the written and spoken word. The program gives you a sound education in reading, writing, and thinking. The facility for learning that you gain through this type of education will become part of your skill set, equipping you for the changes that arise in modern life and the need to adapt. Your instructors will take you on this learning journey via different avenues — that is, their areas of specialization. You’ll study American humor, contemporary fiction, creative writing, film, poetry, African-American literature, Shakespeare, the Victorian novel, public speaking, writing for business and industry, and popular American culture. Perhaps, you’ll debut your written pieces in the Elm City Review, an annual literary magazine of student writing, edited and published by student members of the campus Literary Club in conjunction with a faculty adviser. Another benefit of our program: It offers more Honors courses than any other discipline at UNH. This means that, if you qualify, you can satisfy our general core requirements with courses that are more intellectually exciting and challenging than the usual core curriculum. Finally, thanks to classes that seldom exceed 20 students, you’ll get individual attention from your instructors. Dedicated to improving their students’ analytical and language skills, they are accessible outside of class as well as in it.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

Career Placement for English Career Possibilities English majors graduate prepared for careers in writing and publishing, as well as in business, industry, and government positions where college graduates with broad knowledge and good writing and speaking skills are welcomed. English graduates routinely land jobs in advertising, journalism, public relations, sales training, and promotion. If you’re a skilled writer, you can freelance for trade journals, newspapers, magazines, and other publications. Overall, English majors graduate with a sound basic education in reading, writing, and thinking, and thus, a facility for learning. They are ready for the changes that modern life requires. Our graduates are teachers, doctors, actors, lawyers, writers, business people, and college administrators. Graduate School A major in English literature or writing is an outstanding foundation for continued education in an assortment of other fields, such as teacher education, law school, business, public affairs, social work and public health.

BA in English University of New Haven