LIBT Brunel University

Course Details

Anthropology of International Development and Humanitarian Assistance MSc

Course Description

The course will appeal to graduates from a variety of backgrounds, including: anthropology, sociology, economics, politics, geography, law and development studies. It will provide the necessary training to enable students to seek employment with NGOs (such as Oxfam and Save the Children Fund), international agencies (such as the World Health Organisation and the World Food Programme) and the civil service (such as the UK Department for International Development). It will also provide a useful stepping stone for those seeking to undertake doctoral research in international development. Aims Over the last ten years, global aspirations to reduce the suffering of the "bottom billion" have led to unprecedented attention on international development. International agencies, governments and NGOs are working more intensely than ever before to deliver appropriate policies and interventions. Anthropology has played a key role in the emergence of new perspectives on humanitarian assistance and the livelihoods of populations caught up in extreme circumstances such as famines, natural disasters and wars. On the one hand, this has led to a radical re-thinking of what has been happening, but on the other hand, it has led to anthropologists sometimes playing controversial roles in agendas associated with the "war on terror". This course examines these contemporary issues and debates, and explores their implications. It also sets them in the context of anthropology as a discipline. In so doing, students will discover how the apparent insights and skills of anthropologists have a long history associated with ethnographic work on economics, education, health, deprivation and conceptions of suffering dating back to the origins of the discipline.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

Students who complete the MSc in the Anthropology of International Development and Humanitarian Assistance would be suitable to enter the following areas of specific study and/or general employment: * Doctorial research and research assistant positions * NGOs (e.g. Oxfam, Save the Children Fund, Islamic Agency for International Relief) and international agencies (e.g. World Health Organisation, World Food Programme) * Civil service employment (the UK Department for International Development) * General private sector employment (e.g. administrative/managerial positions and consultancy) Careers The course will provide the necessary training to enable students to seek employment with NGOs (such as Oxfam and Save the Children Fund), international agencies (such as the World Health Organisation and the World Food Programme) and the civil service (such as the UK Department for International Development). It will also provide a useful stepping stone for those seeking to undertake doctoral research in international development.

Anthropology of International Development and Humanitarian Assistance MSc LIBT Brunel University