Cambrian college of Applied Arts and Technology

Course Details

Certificate(business Fundamentals)

Course Description

Let's get down to business! This program is a common year for all business students, so graduates will be eligible for direct entry into the second year of the following diploma programs at Cambrian: General Business, Business Accounting, Business Administration and Business Administration - Accounting. Business touches every single aspect of our lives. Everything we do, touch, see and hear has a business associated with it. Your career in business starts with the Business Fundamentals program at Cambrian College. Explore traditional business careers by gaining a solid introductory foundation in accounting, finance, human resources and marketing, and apply that knowledge in your current career or use it to pursue your passions.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

Graduates may seek employment in: - Sales - Wholesale - Insurance - Governmental departments - Customer service - Retailing - Manufacturing

Certificate(business Fundamentals) Cambrian college of Applied Arts and Technology