University of Kent

Course Details

Agri-Environmental Economics and Policy MSc

Course Description

The MSc in Agri-Environmental Economics and Policy prepares you for a career as a professional economist dealing with national and international issues in the area of food, agriculture and the environment. You gain a deep understanding of economic theory and policy, and their application to the environment at local, regional and global levels. The programnme develops your analytical ability to evaluate agri-environmental policy options that could be used to combat a wide range of issues including air and water pollution, bidiversity management, climate change, natural resources, and protection of rural areas. All of our MSc degrees equip you with a range of quantitative and analytical skills, and the ability to communicate complex economic concepts in a clear and concise style. Our programmes not only offer a stimulating education in economic theory, but also develop your ability to apply economic knowledge, analytical tools and skills to a range of national and international problems in the areas of finance, development, agriculture and the environment.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

Kent has an excellent record for postgraduate employment: over 96% of our postgraduate students who graduated in 2014 found a job or further study opportunity within six months. A postgraduate degree in the area of economics is a particularly valuable and flexible qualification that can open the door to exciting careers in many professions. Our graduates have gone on to work as economists in international organisations, the financial sector, business, UK and overseas governments, and to further postgraduate training and academic careers at Kent, UK and overseas universities. Recent MSc graduates have gone on to work for companies in the UK such as BNP Paribas, AXA, FactSet and PwC. The School's employability officers and the University's Careers and Employability Service are available throughout the year to offer one-to-one advice and help on all aspects of employability at any stage in your postgraduate studies. We also offer online advice on employability skills, career choices, applications and interview skills.

Agri-Environmental Economics and Policy MSc University of Kent