University of East Anglia

Course Details

BA English Literature and Philosophy

Course Description

According to Socrates the most serious question for humanity is: how are we to live? This question, amongst others, is one that the BA English Literature and Philosophy encourages you to engage with. You will explore a variety of issues during this degree programme, developing your ability to answer questions like: What is justice? How can our minds know the world? What is truth? Can we prove anything about God? How do we tell good reasoning from bad? The study of philosophy considers these questions in a systematic attempt to make sense of human life and the world in which it is lived. Another one of the most important ways of trying to make sense of human life and the questions it raises is through literature, and we will focus on how these two complex disciplines can be understood through combined study. You will have the opportunity to explore ideas such as: The diverse ways in which philosophers and writers explore existential aspects of the human condition How philosophers such as Plato and Nietzsche developed literary styles to engage with philosophical questions in exciting and unexpected ways Whether novels, poems and dramatic works can uncover special kinds of truth about the world. Writers and philosophers consistently consider the same universal questions using different approaches, which is what makes the combination of English literature and philosophy such an excellent resource for philosophical debate and analysis.

Course Duration


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BA English Literature and Philosophy University of East Anglia