University of Dublin Trinity College

Course Details

Ba Catholic theological studies

Course Description

Theology is a fascinating and vital subject that challenges those who study it to think critically about God, human existence, the world we live in and the role of religion in our lives. Catholic theological studies is designed to provide students with knowledge of the Catholic theological, intellectual and cultural tradition and the critical issues that arise in the study of its origins, formative periods, and foundational documents. Students will be provided with the skills and ethical understanding to participate in current debates about the place of the Catholic intellectual tradition in a globalised world.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

Graduates in theology find employment in fields such as education, social work, business management, the church, the performing arts and the charity sector. The skills and personal qualities they develop over the course of their studies are easily transferable to all sorts of jobs and careers. Thinking clearly, writing well, presenting arguments, analysing texts, assessing evidence, pursuing and organising research: these are all skills that serve students' well in all walks of life.

Ba Catholic theological studies University of Dublin Trinity College