University of California, Davis

Course Details

Bachelor of Science in Physics

Course Description

Undergraduate physics at UC Davis is an exciting experience. The introductory series, especially the 9 Honors series, reveal the beauty of the core topics in a cohesive and compelling way. Then the junior and senior course concentrate on deeper understanding and application. Students form invaluable bonds with their peers and with faculty, and engaged students find plentiful opportunities for research involvement, often arising in the sophomore year or even earlier. Our students find that the resources, support and opportunities available at UCD Physics provide superb preparation for further study in top graduate schools and for careers in all fields of modern technology.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

Students interested in research experience in Physics, should see the Undergraduate research page and the list of faculty that are willing to have undergrads working in their research units. Students interested in graduate school or research in general, should think about applying to a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program the summer of their junior year. REU programs have a wide range of topics and are available in many universities across the country.

Bachelor of Science in Physics University of California, Davis