Trinity College Dublin

Course Details

BA Catholic Theological Studies (TSM)

Course Description

Theology is a fascinating and vital subject that challenges those who study it to think critically about God, human existence, the world we live in and the role of religion in our lives. Students will be provided with the skills and ethical understanding to participate in current debates about the place of the Christian intellectual tradition in a globalised world.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

One of the strengths of this programme is that students will acquire the critical skills of analysis, debate, clear presentation of argument, and the ability to research complex issues in an effective way. These skills employers look for today. Theology graduates find satisfactory and rewarding employment in a variety of fields such as education, social work, business management, the church, the performing arts and the charity sector. Trinity has always seen itself as preparing people not just for their first job, but as educating citizens for the challenges of an ever-changing world. The objective is the desire to imbue students with the desire to know as well as with knowledge itself. The education in the Loyola Institute participates in these ideals.

BA Catholic Theological Studies (TSM) Trinity College Dublin