North Dakota State University

Course Details

Bachelor of Arts in Social Science

Course Description

Candidates in the social science education major are prepared to teach a diverse curriculum to a diverse student population. The major consists of groups of courses and experiences in a variety of social science disciplines. The social science education student should work closely with an advisor to be sure that the general education courses taken will provide a strong foundation for the advanced courses in the major.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

There has been a surplus of social science teachers across the country for the past several years. It has been predicted that the surplus will continue. Students who elect to major in social science education should consider obtaining a second major or a teachable minor to enhance their employment prospects. In addition, students in social science education are encouraged to seek volunteer and employment experiences that complement their education. Summer or after-school work with special needs students, high school or middle school student activities, or other human service activities can provide the candidate valuable experience with children and adolescents.

Bachelor of Arts in Social Science North Dakota State University