Miami University

Course Details

BA in History

Course Description

What is History? Historians record and analyze past and current events of human activity so that we can better understand the present and guide our future. Some, like biographers and genealogists, focus on the events of individuals, while others may address activities of groups, whether social, ethnic, political, religious, or geographic. It is the historian's challenge not only to research the facts but also to present them in the spirit of the time they occured and in the ever-changing perspective of our own time. It is a task that requires knowledge in many areas, especially the other social sciences and the humanities.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

What can I do with this major? The great majority of recent graduates have gone on to careers in business, law, government service, and journalism. Some of their titles are social studies teacher, public relations coordinator, research director, assistant bank manager, reference librarian, and legal assistant. Although most of these careers require graduate or some specialized undergraduate training, history students have the advantage of a broad, diversified undergraduate education in their applications for graduate and professional schools. Increasingly, businesses are willing, even eager, to employ liberal arts graduates, who often have a stronger grasp of how society works and better communication skills than do more narrowly focused students. Most professional historians are educators, holding advanced degrees, and many of our graduates continue their studies.

BA in History Miami University