Lasalle College

Course Details

BA(Hons) Interior Design

Course Description

Interior design at LASALLE is defined as the act of creating environments within and around existing spaces and structures. As a profession, it covers the design and planning of an immense range of places including, but not limited to domestic, leisure, retail, office, health care, hospitality, and institutional spaces. It is also closely interwoven with various design disciplines like architecture and industrial design. Interior design at LASALLE is not a course on interior decoration, nor is it the pursuit of architecture under the guise of interior design. You will focus on the creation of experiential environments from the perspective of users, and the discovery of new typologies of space. You will look to the conceptual to challenge convention, habits, and trends, and seek to explore the controversial, unexpected, and emergent, with the onus on critical design thinking and intense involvement in the design process. The curriculum is based on a number of key design principles. Design processes and conceptual thinking methodologies are explored in a practice-based studio environment and supported with core discipline skills that involve a critical understanding of design history and contemporary theory; technical knowledge on building materials and technology; traditional drafting and modelling techniques, as well as the latest in computer-aided drawing and visualisation. Through the course of study, you are exposed to the demands of the profession with a continuous engagement in local and international design competitions, live projects, and exhibitions. The objective is to create an ecosystem of significant designers and dynamic professionals who display a restless curiosity of mind, making informed design decisions tempered by a sense of social responsibility, where interior design is not a matter of simply aligning oneself with fashionable trends but rather a discipline of reason, necessity, analysis, meaning, and the creation of new spatial experience.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

Related field jobs.

BA(Hons) Interior Design Lasalle College