Case Western Reserve University

Course Details

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Course Description

The mission of the Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts degree programs with majors in Computer Science is to graduate students who have fundamental technical knowledge of their profession and the requisite technical breadth and communications skills to become leaders in creating the new techniques and technologies which will advance the field of computer science and its application to other disciplines. The Bachelor of Science degree program in Computer Science is designed to give a student a strong background in the fundamentals of mathematics and computer science. The curriculum is designed according to the latest ACM/IEEE computer science curriculum guidelines. A graduate of this program should be able to use these fundamentals to analyze and evaluate software systems and the underlying abstractions upon which they are based. A graduate should also be able to design and implement software systems which are state-of-the-art solutions to a variety of computing problems; this includes problems which are sufficiently complex to require the evaluation of design alternatives and engineering trade-offs. In addition to these program specific objectives, all students in the Case School of Engineering are exposed to societal issues, professionalism, and are provided opportunities to develop leadership skills. Students pursuing the BS degree can choose one of six technical areas in which to focus their depth of competence: Software Engineering Algorithms and Theory Computer Systems, Networks and Security Databases and Data Mining Bioinformatics Artificial Intelligence

Course Duration


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Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Case Western Reserve University