This joint degree is offered in partnership with Strathclyde Business School. You’ll develop mathematical and statistical expertise at the same time as increasing your skills in the largest business school in Scotland. There’s strong emphasis on statistical techniques in data analysis and on the use of mathematical models. Employers in the financial sector look for graduates who have experience using mathematical models, as well as a financial or accounting background. This course provides a good basis for entering the actuarial profession.
Number | Duration |
4 | year |
Graduates in Mathematics and Statistics can enter a wide range of employment, including manufacturing and service industries, the actuarial, accountancy and banking professions, commerce and government, consultancy and education. Most graduates who have specialised in Accounting go on to professional qualifications through one of the major accountancy bodies (ICAS, ICAEW, ACCA, CIMA and CIPFA). Recent graduates have found employment in professional services firms, banking, insurance, industry and the public sector, with job titles such as assistant underwriter, associate auditor, graduate analyst, operations analyst, risk consultant. The course is also useful for those considering a general business career, in which strong financial skills are essential.