University of Strathclyde

Course Details

Pgdip(International Economic Law)

Course Description

The development of the global trading system has created an increasingly sophisticated system of trade and related rights. It not only governs relations between states but impacts on relationship between states and individuals. At both policy and practical level, there's tension surrounding the function and role of international institutions such as the World Trade Organisation (WTO). These debates are not confined to the realm of academia. The highest 'court' of WTO has opined that decisions must take into account "[h]uman societies as they actually exist, in other words... in the real world where people live and work and die." (WTO Appellate Body Report, EC-Hormones, paragraph 187) This LLM in International Economic Law offers you the opportunity to explore how international economic law deals with real world challenges. You’ll gain an understanding of the fundamental rules and principles supporting international economic law. You can tailor your degree to suit your intended career path by choosing elective modules from outside of our Law School. The course is for those wanting to develop careers with international law firms and other organisations with an international focus. It’s also useful if you want to work in the international development sector in management, planning, or policy related areas.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

Increasingly, lawyers and other related professionals are operating in environments that demand an understanding of international economic law. Studying on this programme will equip you with the knowledge, understanding and analytical skills relevant to working or planning a career with an international focus. Students on this programme and the LLM in International Law and Sustainable Development have gone on to take up varied positions including: Analyst in the Private Wealth division of a multinational bank Policy Officer with the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency Logistical Co-ordinator with Oxfam America Legal counsel for an energy utility company based in Switzerland Responsible Investment Analyst for a leading global provider of research into corporate environmental, social and governance performance Project Associate for an international non-profit organization working to advance global public health Senior manager at Ofgem Lecturer at a technical college in Bahrain

Pgdip(International Economic Law) University of Strathclyde