University of Saskatchewan

Course Details

Bachelor of Science in Engineering- Computer Engineering

Course Description

The Computer Engineering program provides training in the software/hardware co-design of digital systems with an emphasis on embedded systems. The program shares courses with the Electrical Engineering Program that cover general electrical engineering, analog and digital electronics, signal processing, communications, and computers. Topics specific to Computer Engineering are studied in specialized focus areas in the third and fourth years. Students must follow the program of study that was in place at the time of their entrance to the College of Engineering, recognizing that program and course changes may result in modification to the original program of study. It is recommended that students contact the Engineering Student Centre to confirm their program of study on a regular basis.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

As a computer engineering graduate, you will have many job opportunities. Some of those job opportunities will involve: creating high-tech products like iPods, digital TVs and security scanners, developing satellite-based communication systems, wireless networks and devices that compries the Internet, designing robotic equipment for everything from medicine to mining, working for industry-leading companies like Apple, Electronic Arts, RIM and Google, and designing and building international products for companies like Cisco networks while living in Saskatchewan.

Bachelor of Science in Engineering- Computer Engineering University of Saskatchewan