This new programme is the only course of its kind in the Mid-West and Western regions of the country. Process engineering is the central area of expertise underpinning many important, sustainable industries and businesses within both the Irish and global economies. Such enterprises include: biopharmaceuticals, fuels, chemicals, and drug manufacture, energy production, food and beverage processing, environmental waste remediation, and electronic component manufacture.
Number | Duration |
4 | year |
Graduates may enter careers as professional engineers with any company, enterprise or institution involved with the practical application, development, research, manufacture of products, or provision of services that involve chemical or biochemical reactions and processes. Typical careers might include; Pharmaceutical/drug manufacture Mineral extraction Petro and Agro-chemicals Food/Beverage production Biorefineries Environmental engineering Biochemicals/biologics manufacture Sustainable fuels/energy production Porcessing of fine and heavy chemicals Chemical energy conversion systems