Plant & Soil Science at Aberdeen is the only Plant & Soil Science degree in the UK. The interaction between plants and soils is the basis for sustainability in all natural and managed terrestrial ecosystems. Why Aberdeen? * A recent internal teaching review panel commended the School of Biological Sciences for its committed, professional and enthusiastic teaching across a wide range of degree programmes. The panel was also impressed with the course choice within degrees and by the emphasis on field courses and field-based teaching, including opportunities and support for expeditions * Plenty of opportunities for field courses and expeditions * Opportunities to interact with end-users, such as Scottish Natural Heritage or bioremediation companies * Close integration with the James Hutton Institute, one of the UK’s foremost environmental research centres
Number | Duration |
4 | year |
Our graduates have a good record of employment in environmental protection agencies or in the private sector in environmental consultancy, bioremediation, or biotechnology companies. There are also opportunities in environmental education and communications. Many work for overseas development agencies, drawing on the tropical experience in their degree. A high proportion go on to a higher degree, and then into posts in the agricultural, horticultural and food industries, research institutes, universities or nature conservation bodies. Finding your direction There are many opportunities at the University of Aberdeen to develop your knowledge, gain experience and build a competitive set of skills to enhance your employability. This is essential for your future career success. The Careers Service can help you to plan your career and support your choices throughout your time with us – from first to final year – and beyond.