This page describes the School’s requirements for the Master of Science, Master of Engineering, and Ph.D. degrees. These requirements are in addition to those of the Graduate School. They may be modified or extended by the student's M.S., M.Eng., or Ph.D. committee. Questions concerning advanced degree requirements should be directed to the ECE Graduate Student Coordinator of the School of EECS. Every new graduate student will be assigned a research group and academic advisor based on the student's interests. This academic advisor will advise the student until the student has found a faculty member who has agreed to serve as the student's major professor. It is the student’s responsibility to meet with faculty members and find a major professor. New students are strongly encouraged to attend research group meetings, reading groups, and seminars to get to know the faculty and graduate students in the School.
Number | Duration |
2 | year |
Opportunities to connect with nearby companies such as HP, Intel and Microsoft, and our partnerships with government agencies, national labs, and other universities will give you exposure to a variety of career options