The School of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering offers Master of Engineering (MEng), Master of Science (MS), and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees in Chemical Engineering. Students can choose from among the following areas of concentration: Biochemical Reactors; Biotechnology; Electrochemical Deposition; Environmentally Benign Manufacturing; Fluidization Engineering; Materials Synthesis and Processing; Micro Energy and Chemical Systems; Polymer Rheology and Processing; Process Control/Optimization; Thin Film Processing; and Waste Minimization and Sustainable Processing. All programs are tailored to individual student needs and professional goals. A diversity of faculty interests, broadened and reinforced by cooperation between CBEE and other engineering departments and research centers on campus, makes tailored individual programs possible. The department originates and encourages programs ranging from those that are classically chemical engineering to those that are distinctly interdisciplinary. More information about the CBEE graduate program can be found in the following student handbook:
Number | Duration |
2 | year |
career in program related