Arizona State University

Course Details

Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering-Hydrosystems engineering (MSE)

Course Description

Hydrosystems engineering includes the technical areas of hydrology, hydraulics and water resources engineering which are interdisciplinary fields that synthesize knowledge from a wide range of subjects. The curriculum at Arizona State University presents challenging opportunities to both undergraduate and graduate students in hydrosystems engineering. The graduate program provides a strong foundation in hydrology, hydraulics and water resources engineering principles, but remains flexible enough to meet changing needs within these fields. The curriculum is complemented by a range of research activities. The hydrosystems engineering group at ASU receives national and international funding for a wide range of educational and research activities with exciting opportunities available for undergraduate and graduate students and researchers. Field, laboratory and modeling studies are available to interested undergraduate and graduate students. Students are also encouraged to obtain courses and training in topic areas such as geographical information systems, remote sensing, water policy and management, and water resources sustainability. Students who major in hydrosystems engineering go on to have careers in the fields of water resources engineering, hydraulics, hydrology including ground water hydrology and surface water hydrology, environmental fluid hydraulics, environmental remediation, and various others in the private or public sectors.

Course Duration


Career outcomes


Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering-Hydrosystems engineering (MSE) Arizona State University