University of Bedfordshire

Course Details

Business Administration MBA

Course Description

The MBA is a flagship generalist management qualification designed to meet the needs of early career individuals and is structured to support your aspirations for fast track career progression through the development of leadership and strategic management skills and a contemporary understanding of business. The course adopts a practical and applied business curriculum and aims to develop an advanced knowledge of organisations and their effective management in a dynamic competitive global context. We will enable you to creatively apply this knowledge and understanding to complex issues to systematically and innovatively enhance strategic business and management practice.

Course Duration


Career outcomes

ou will develop a broad range of knowledge and skills of business and management with potential for you to join an employer in a variety of positions. Understanding how theory applies in real organisations is key to your employability so the focus of every unit is the application of theory to practice. You will use case studies and other materials from current organisations introduced by staff research activities, and from tutor engagement with consultancy work and from Business School contacts. Tutors will also expect you to keep up with developments in business and key industry sectors through newspapers, magazines and business news websites. Central to our vision to take business education, research and practice in exciting new directions are Practice Events. These are designed to integrate your learning and allow you to develop the skills and knowledge required to successfully progress your career. In the Management Practice unit you will experience three Practice Events including a consultancy project and a business simulation. In the Executive Development Project you will explore your own potential as a manager and strengthen your skills and capabilities. At the end of the course the Theory into Practice Project supports the integration of your learning in the context of a real organisation. These are specifically designed to help you make a successful transition into work. These help you to consider your own development and consider the complexity of putting what you have learnt into practice once you join an organisation.

Business Administration MBA University of Bedfordshire